A brand that was born with a dream of bringing a more pleasant environment to your home. Lima Limão Essências transforms houses into cosy, comfortable homes and at the same time with an air of cleanliness and sophistication. They reached us intending to redo the visual identity, to better communicate with their public. The primary focus was on the package, which wasn’t at the same level as the scents.

Lima Limão selects thoughtfully each essence used in home-sprays and scented candles. To transmit this care, we opted to emphasize the natural aspects of each scent through rich botanical illustrations. Combining retro-fonts, botanical illustrations and some modern line-draw, we achieved a visual identity capable of carrying between different audiences.

Focused on reflecting the brand's values through visual attributes, we chose a varied palette. Light colours that evoke tranquillity, happiness, well-being and lightness.
Lima Limão


Lima Limão
